Saturday, October 19, 2013

Live Together, Die Alone

Missing from my wedding ring are three tiny diamonds. Adam's given me the green light to get them replaced but I haven't and I don't think I will. There are symbols in my life which point to answers--lessons to be learned. When I wear my ring, it's a reminder to me that nothing in life is fixed. Change happens and that is quite alright. I have learned to appreciate what I have and for how long I am able to have it.
A few months ago, I found the book My Smart Puppy from a blog I read called The Dainty Squid. I knew Adam and I would be getting a dog not long after we were married because it was something we had spoken about.
Two weeks ago we brought a lil pup into our lives. Buying a house and going to Europe weren't exciting enough. ;) We decided to name him Jack because 
1) I have loved that name for years and had often thought my son would be named Jack. 
2) LOST the television show is a common love between Adam and me. The show's main character is named Jack. 
3) Jack's name used to be JJ and if he had any recollection of that, keeping his name starting with the letter J will help us in training him. 
A little more about Jack: 
He is now 6 months old. We found him through a rescue agency here in Salt Lake. He is a Catahoula Leopard Dog. His coat is black, tan, gray, white and brown with tan eyes. He is responsive, intelligent, fun loving, affectionate, playful, curious, quiet, shy and selective about his friends. We have never heard him bark. He makes the sweetest sounds when he is sleeping. I know I will be obssessed when we have a baby and will love listening to him or her sleep. Jack is very friendly once he gets to know you. He loves to play with Hope (a female pit with three legs) and Maude (a female boxer) next door. They are stinkin cute to watch! I could do doggie play dates everyday. Jack is an extremely successful chewer. Great for him when he arrives at the toy's stuffing filled center but bad for our wallet when he have to throw them away. These are the two sides to having a puppy--frustrating but rewarding. 
I've started reading the book My Smart Puppy and so far I have found it to be useful. I want to train Jack but I am also reading it to train myself as an owner. The biggest gem I found while reading was HAVE FUN. Many owners get stressed when training their puppy but this is a process in which owner and pup should have fun. That struck me because I like things to run as smoothly as possible. I took Jack out for what I think was our third walk/run on-leash and he was terrible! He wouldn't come because he wanted to smell every plant and he'd cross in front of me almost tripping me. I was frustrated and wondered if there was something I could have done better. After reading that part in the book about having fun after this experience, I knew I was being too uptight. Jack and I haven't had a bad walk since.
Like my ring being a symbol to appreciate what I have, Jack has allowed me to see life through a different lens. I get things done more swiftly with another life depending on me but I take the time to pause often. Life is meant to be enjoyed. 
--Amy xoxo

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My Own Best Friend

Everyone exhibits strength in different ways. It's not fair to compare yourself to others because of this fact (and many more).

Last week I struggled a bit and within that realization that I didn't want to keep feeling like the runt of the litter, I took charge and started focusing on me more. This morning I woke up early and did my make-up, hair, etc. I've noticed when I feel good on the outside, feeling good on the inside comes a bit easier. Taking that extra step this morning combined with a healthy breakfast- well I was on top of it!
Once I arrived at work, I noticed something awful, something I haven't seen in a long time- egg on my car. Without question I knew, my crazy neighbor is at it again. This being the fifth time something of this nature has happened to my car, I felt extremely irritated and upset. Why would someone go to such lengths repeatedly? My first and most horrible thought was to dump a whole bucket of eggs on her car and leave a nasty note saying something like, DON'T MESS WITH ME. Immediately I felt guilt for having such awful thoughts. The distinct impression came upon my mind saying, Fill the world with more love instead of more hate. Most, not all anger towards this woman vanished with that thought. As I stroked this new mantra more, I came to the conclusion that anyone willing to go this far must have a terrible, sad and lonely life. Egging and damaging someone's car multiple times screams sadness and desperation. I HEAR YOU. She probably needs a friend. Living in her skin is probably some kind of hell on its own (I have spoken to this woman before and she seems troubled and unstable).
Being alone while Adam is away doesn't mean being lonely. I am my own best friend. I am kind, I am gentle but direct, I am helpful and willing, and I can control myself and that is dependability! What an awesome best friend!!
If you do not like yourself, change one thing. If you do not like 10 things about yourself, change one thing. That is where true success lies, in the power of change. We do not always climb mountains, sometimes we take steps, jump through hoops and over pebbles. 
The secret to paving a road leading to a successful divorce is being unwilling to change. Welcome to absolute destruction. Do not let yourself be a part of any problem. Be the light, the hope, the reason someone else wants to change for good. Sometimes, most of the time, always- it is good for us to focus on ourselves so that we can first be strong for ourselves and second, be strong for others.

One of the best reasons for living in Salt Lake is having the opportunity to visit extended family. I was able to visit the hospital of mine and my sister's birth. My cousin and his beautiful wife were blessed with a third little girl early this week. The hospital they were at is literally across the street from where I live so how could I not take them up on their mass Facebook invitation and surprise them with a visit? 
Our family used to be so close- we were always taking trips to our Grandparent's house in St. George for Thanksgiving and Christmas to be together. As an adult, I have allowed myself to become more closed off to my extended family. There are people within my family I think about every week, people who (am I supposed to use whom here, I will never know so please don't be mad) I have a special connection with, and it's shameful to me that I haven't kept in better contact. This is one of the reasons I keep a profile through Facebook. Thank goodness for Facebook tonight because I was able to see a precious newborn soul.
This sadly comes with the news earlier in the week of a co-worker's sudden passing. And tonight I was made aware that my Grandmother's life balances delicately in God's hands.
I know there is a Heavenly Father and without his hand in my life, I have nothing. I am because of my creator and what I do is my choice. I am grateful to have learning experiences such as today to strengthen me as a woman. To me, being a lone wolf means finding my way through the darkness, clearing my own path, and coming out victorious. Victorious for winning bounties of my own.

Amy xoxo

"Breathe Me" by Sia
Help, I have done it again
I have been here many times before
Hurt myself again today
And the worst part is there's no one else to blame
Be my friend
Hold me,
wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small and needy
Warm me up
And breathe me
Ouch I have lost myself again
Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found,
Yeah I think that I might break
I've lost myself again and I feel unsafe
Be my friend
Hold me,
wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small and needy
Warm me up
And breathe me
Be my friend
Hold me,
wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small and needy
Warm me up
And breathe me

Sia also wrote a little song called "Diamonds" by Rhianna HERE among many other fab songs.
Mind blown.
You're welcome.
Basically, if you don't know Sia, look her up. Great Gatsby Soundtrack. Need I say more?

Sunday, July 21, 2013

6 Months In

6 months being married and I haven't left screaming yet ;)
We have been traveling a lot during these past few months: Florida, Idaho, California, Georgia, Arizona, Idaho again and now New York.

After our honeymoon to Walt Disney World,  I travelled to Idaho to visit my BFF Lauren. The week after that I travelled to California for a girl's Disneyland/LA trip with my friend Megan (a birthday treat to myself!). We visited the new Topshop which opened a few days before in LA and went to Santa Monica. Immediately after I came home from CA, Adam received an opportunity to work with some clients in Georgia and I was able to go with him! I was even able to visit my cousin Brittany who lives south of Atlanta- the cherry on top! I love traveling to new places because then I get to cross them off of my list. I want to visit every state in the US before I die. Surprisingly I have never been to Hawaii but we are planning a trip next year to solve that! I also have never been to Oregon and it's where one of my dearest friend lives. I have to go! I believe I have been to about 30 states so I am not too far off from my goal.
Now Adam is in New York consulting again. It's not ideal having Adam gone, but it's something I am ok with. I am very proud of my husband and what he accomplishes professionally and personally. We are each working on "secret" projects right now that we hope to share with the world soon. They are projects which are unique to each of us and totally separate. FYI, mine is not art related, although I need to continue painting! Ever since completing two wood canvas paintings, the same enthusiasm with which those two flowed from me wasn't existent in the next set. I do however have 8 blank wood canvases sitting in my front room. They call to me whenever I exit and enter my home. Someday soon.
The other piece of big news is that with interest rates so low, Adam and I have been looking at purchasing a house. We'll keep you updated on what happens there.
And then there is that whole France trip we are taking in September. I have never been to Europe. I shall be instantly in love, I know it. I am traveling with three males and am determined to bring less stuff than them. I have been stocking up on what I have named "Paris pants". Pictures will be posted I am sure. 
For now, here are some of us during these past 6 months.
This one is cheating because it was taken more than 6 months ago, in December of 2012. I just love it because it was a fun party with great friends and taken right before we were married. And I am wearing vintage fur.
On the beach in Santa Monica
Cruella didn't like my wolf shirt. Maybe she prefers puppies?
With Megan. We had a blast in CA!
Lamp our friend Tyler helped me make for Adam's birthday. To remember our Georgia trip (and we are big fans of Coke) I purchased a vintage Coke jug on Etsy as the lamp base. Adam loved it!

My handsome husband with his Red Bandit haircut from the movie "The Fall".

Rainy wedding day for Heather and David made for some pretty pictures.

Love my little family. 
Amy xoxo

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What's For Dinner?

With the new year, Adam and I made a commitment to easy mostly vegan at home. I say mostly because we aren't 100% yet. So far we've made the transition to soy/almond/coconut milk instead of cow's milk. We like constant variety. And did you know, Oreos are vegan? Scary with all of the additives, but nice to be able to grab a 50 calorie vegan cookie when you want it. I've been eating a lot of nuts and drinking shakes to obtain my daily protein. I am starting to add more beans into my diet as well.

After Monday's disastrous fish tacos, I wanted to share a cooking success! I found this recipe I made tonight on the Choose Veg website. I hope you enjoy!

Choose Veg Recipes <<<<<<<<< Click for instant yummyness!
I am hoping others turn out as good a this one did tonight.

Tofu and vegetable stir fry with peanut sauce

 1 cup brown rice, cooked or 1 cup quinoa
cooked 1 pound firm tofu, cut into cubes
2 teaspoons of olive oil 1 yellow onion
sliced thinly 1 carrot
chopped 1+ cup green beans, with ends cut
1 clove garlic
minced or crushed ½-inch piece fresh ginger
minced 3 or 4 TBSP peanut butter
5 TBSP water
2 tsp. lemon juice
2 TBSP soy sauce or tamari
2 TBSP soymilk

 1. Pan-fry the tofu in a non-stick skillet pan until the tofu is lightly browned. You may add a teaspoon of oil, or you can just pan fry with no oil in a nonstick pan. Remove from wok/pan.
 2. Heat 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil in the wok and stir-fry the onion, carrots, and beans for 4 minutes or so – until the beans start turning a bright green and the onions become translucent.
 3. While this is cooking (or even beforehand), add a small amount of oil in a separate pan and add the ginger and garlic. Cook for a minute or two, then stir in the peanut butter and then the water. Stir until smooth. Add the lemon juice, tamari/soy sauce, soymilk, and stir well.
 4. Return the tofu to the wok, and stir in the peanut butter sauce. Mix well and serve on top of the rice.

Adam and I both enjoyed dinner tonight because it tasted delicious and it was so filling! If you make it too, let me know what you think!

Amy xoxo

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Wedding

We had a ninja wedding in early January. We didn't have a reception or we would have told and invited more people. It was a joyous day filled with love in the company of friends.

Amy xoxo
 Adam and me

 Tracy and me

 My mom, me and my sister

 Adam, my dad, and my brother-in-law

 Our centerpieces that Megan arranged

 Our bishopric 

 Gpa and Gma Talbot

Adam's family (which is now mine!)